专业生产丰田叉车电瓶、电动托盘搬运叉车电瓶、电动托盘堆垛叉车电瓶等,目前市场丰田电动叉车蓄电池主要分为两大系列:158宽BS和198宽DIN牵引用铅酸蓄电池。我司产品引入德国的VARTA公司牵引用铅酸蓄电池专有技术进行设计,采用进口的优质聚丙烯蓄电池槽、盖、保证叉车电瓶的耐冲击性能,先进的热风工艺使蓄电池的槽盖具很好的密封,不漏液;叉车蓄电池的端极柱采用进口风琴式环套密封,结合精心设计的气室及配合花篮式液孔塞,有效的防止酸液渗漏;致力为客户提供清洁、安全、高效的直流电源,使电瓶叉车在使用中动力不足以及工作时间受限问题上得到了改善。交流电机不仅提高了工作效率,而且省去了直流电机所需的各项维修费用。本公司还可根据顾客要求,定制双极柱机构的丰田叉车电瓶,可使用客户提供的蓄电池箱体或根据客户提供箱体尺寸进行匹配并对蓄电池组进行严格的初充电。The profession produces the Toyota fork car electric cell, the dynamoelectric tray porterage fork car electric cell and dynamoelectric tray heap the Duo fork car electric cell etc., currently Toyota in the market dynamoelectric fork car the storage battery is mainly divided into two greatest serieses:158 breadth BSs and 198 breadth DINs lead to use lead sour storage battery.I the department product lead into the VARTA companies of Germany to lead to use sour storage battery of lead to particularly have technique to carry on design, adoption import of high-quality polypropylene storage battery slot, cover, assurance the bearing of fork car electric cell pound at function, the forerunner's hot breeze craft makes the slot cover of storage battery have good seal completely, gastight liquid;The fork car storage battery carries the pole pillar adoption to seal completely into the melodica type wreath set and combines the air chamber and the match flower basket type liquid bore with meticulous care designing to fill, effectively prevent°from a sour liquid seep into;The concentrating on provides to sweep for customer, safety, efficiently of direct current the power, make electric cell fork car the power shortage and the working time is subjected to in the use limit problem up got an improvement.Communicate electrical engineering not only raised a work efficiency, and the province goes to each item that the direct current electrical engineering needs and maintains expenses.Our company can also request and make to order a pair of Toyota fork car electric cell of pole pillar organizations according to the customer, can use the storage battery box that the customer provides bodyorprovide according to the customer a box of body size to carry on matching to combine to carry on a strict beginning to refresh to the storage battery set.
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