The universe company grader blade quality stands up to the most rigorous test, adapts the bad working conditions, the knife strap two-sided uses the high strength anti-friction material bit. The knife board shovel cape may act according to the soil degree of hardness the difference, adjusts the knife board to be buried the angle.平地机刀片装置是平地机的主要工作装置,与其它辅助装置相互配合能够进行土壤的切削、刮送和整平作业,还可进行砂石路面、砾石路面、路基路面的整形和维修,表层土或草皮的剥离、挖沟、修刮边坡等平整作业,以及完成材料的混合、回填、推移、摊平等作业。
The grader blade installment is the road roller prime task installment, coordinates with other auxiliary units to be able mutually to carry on the soil the cutting, blows delivers and levels off the work, but also may carry on the sand and crushed stone road surface, the gravel surface, the roadbed road surface reshaping and the service, the regolithorthe sod peeling, the trenching, repairs blows the side slope and so on the smooth work, as well as completes the material the mix, the backfill, the passage, the booth equal work.
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