我公司是空滤滤清器专业生产公司,可生产PU系列滤清器、PU胶系列、铁盖系列滤清器;工程机械车空滤、轿车空滤等。煜鼎牌,空气滤清器采用美国HV高端滤纸,HV滤纸具有防水、防潮不变形,高精密度过滤等特点,实现节油延长发动机使用寿命的效果。公司产品可保行驶两万公里不黑芯,欢迎界内朋友来我公司,实地考察加盟销售!!!诚招全国各地市加盟代理销售商!!为考虑代理商覆盖区域利益受损,每个省仅授权两家代理销售商联系人:范先生 13400198427; 邮箱:596362702@qq.com
I'm empty filter filter specializing in the production of the company, it can produce PU series filter, PU adhesive series, iron cover series filter; The engineering mechanical cars air filter, car air filter, etc. Yu ding, high-end filter, air filter in U.S. HV HV filter has the waterproof, moistureproof deformation, characteristics of high precision filtration, realize the oil-saving effect of prolonging the service life of the engine. High-end products of the company can cover ten thousand km not black core, come to my company, welcome friends in field trips to join sales!!!!!!!!!!! Invites all over the country, to join agent distributors!!!!! Covering agents for the consideration of regional interests is damaged, each province authorized only two agent distributors contacts: 13400198427 fan; E-mail: 596362702 @qq.com
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