结构特点BM5马达是一种端面配流马达。其结构特点:• 先进的端面配流设计,低速转动平稳。 • 先进的轴密封设计,能承受高背压。 • 先进的配油机构设计, 具有磨损自动补偿功能。 • 双列圆锥滚子轴承设计能够承受较大的径向力。 • 多种法兰、输出轴、等安装连接形式。 BM5 motor is a disc valve type gerolor motor.Characteristic features:• Advanced design in disc distribution flow, which can provide improved performance at low speed. •Advanced design of shaft seal, which can bear higher pressure. •Advanced distribution mechanism design, which has the automatic compensation function. •Double-rolling bearing design, which permit higher radial loads. •A variety of connection types of flange; Rabbet:, output shaft and oil port. 主要性能参数 Main Specification
1.压力指入口压力,连续工作压力指工作压差.2.马达不能同时在压力和转速下工作.3.在断续工作条件下,运行时间每分钟不能超过10%.4.推荐用68#抗磨液压油,粘度37-73cSt,清洁度ISO18/135.工作油温80°6.马达满负荷工作前,应在工作压力的40%以下磨合1h.7.马达允许背压10MPa,但推荐不要超过5MPa,超过时应接外泄油管.1. Intermittent means the entrance of the maximum pressure; continuous working pressure means the differential pressure2. Motor should not work under the highest pressure and the maximum speed3. The running time should not exceed 10% under intermittent working conditions4. Recommending N68 anti-wear hydraulic oil, viscosity 37-73cSt, cleanliness ISO18/13.5. The Maximum working temperature is 80 °6. One hour running time under 40% of maximum working pressure is recommended before full capacity working.7. The maximum allowable back pressure is 10MPa, but the recommended back pressure should not exceed 5MPa.a leaking pipes is needed when exceedingBM5 标准系列连接尺寸----外形图 Dimension and Mounting data
BM5标准系列 连接尺寸----输出轴 Shaft
BM5标准系列连接尺寸----油口 Port
BM5 标准型订货信息 Ordering Information
bm5 Ordering Information
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